I am a Game Designer.

Welcome to my portfolio.

I’m from Milan, Italy, and I have a lifelong passion for videogames.

Here, you’ll find games I’ve created and projects I’ve worked on,
fueled by my love for this medium.


About me

From a very young age, video games have captivated me like nothing else. They have been a constant source of joy and inspiration, shaping my ambitions and dreams.

Driven by this lifelong passion, I started my education at AIV – Accademia Italiana Videogiochi (Italian Videogames Academy), dedicating three years to mastering the art of game design and development. It was a rigorous, deadline-driven work simulation that mirrored the real pressures and challenges of the game design and development industry.
This hands-on experience allowed me to hone my technical skills, foster creativity, and excel in teamwork and problem-solving.

Embarking into the gaming industry with the knowledge and experience gained from AIV, I am eager to contribute my skills, continue learning, and evolve. My journey has only just begun, and I look forward to the adventures and challenges that lie ahead.

Tools I work with:

speed levels

Get in touch

I’m always open for a chat.

Don’t hesitate to reach out sending a message using the form or through my contacts below.