Single player, 3rd person Boss Rush Souls-Like game with fast-paced melee combat and steampunk aesthetics.

The player will fight three different Bosses, each one with different combat mechanics, alternating with exploration sections between the fights, revealing the world’s narrative through hidden props.

June 2022 – February 2024

Team of 5 (with outsourcing)
Unreal Engine 5

My roles included:

Game Design Leading

Creating and keeping comprehensive documentation updated, including enemy design, gameplay loops, system and one pager documents.

QA Testing

Executing rigorous and result-driven quality assurance testing to ensure a seamless gaming experience, working closely with the programmers.

Audio Directing

Directing the creation and implementation of SFXs and original soundtracks, collaborating with sound designers and composers.

The design challenge aimed to establish a core loop driving players towards aggressive play within a high-paced combat system.

The core mechanic of Temperature was designed to reward players for successful parries and hits: as the temperature rises, so does the player’s weapon damage.

Upon reaching maximum temperature, the player’s sword “Overheats” granting a temporary buff: added damage, attack speed, and on-hit healing.

Full version of the Main Character Mechanics Document, with animated GIFs

The goal in designing the three bosses was to gradually introduce gameplay mechanics, enabling players to learn the combat system across successive battles.

The Enemy Design documents come in pairs: a sheet to list out all the boss mechanics and interactions and a document detailing the boss’s behavior progression through the combat phases, accompanied by GIFs serving as references for the Boss’ various actions.

Complementary “The Scrap Knight” Enemy Design Document, with animated GIFs

STEAMRUSH Launch Trailer

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